
The work plan of the Project is planned to create a bridge between SMEs and skilled RTD performers in this multi-disciplinary matter. The main assumption of the plan is to test different technologies for manufacturing of the LightSWORDS lens: namely, two techniques both foresee the making of moulds (with laser writing and EDM) and subsequent stamping of lenses, while the third involves directly milling the lens shape with micro machining. Contrary to the former two, which can deliver bulk quantities of lenses in relatively short time and are thus adaptable to mass production, this latter technique is only suitable for fabricating a small number of samples for testing; it is thus kept for referencing purposes as well as a contingency plan. This breakdown of the work into parallel activities dramatically increases the probability of achieve the initial project goal to manufacture effective prototypes.

  1. Presbyopic eye
  2. Presbyopic eye corrected with monofocal reading glasses
  3. Presbyopic eye corrected with LightSWORDS optical element









Sharp vision in every distance

The work is divided into WPs, mirroring the subsequent stages of lenses creation. The first (top) level is the definition of the exact requirements, detailed design and verification of the design by numerical simulation of its optical properties (WP1). Results of WP1 will allow to develop forming technology within WP2 and WP3 activities.

Three alternative technologies are primary considered: two based on moulding (Laser Beam, EDM – WP2) and the third (contingency) based on direct manufacturing of plastic lens by Micro Machining in WP3.

The objective for both work packages is to obtain high quality lens surface (exact dimensions, surface smoothness). The lens manufactured in three different technologies will be then gathered in WP4 for detailed measurements and testing of optical, material and applicative properties, enabling demonstration of the project concept.